Has anyone seen the new billboards and ads on TV with Coach Fairchild? I love this ad campaign!

We'll go to at least a few games this year, including our favorite game, Ag Day. This weekend Jeremy and I have talked a lot to Jericka about college. I think we're far more excited for her than she is as she starts her junior year on Tuesday. We talked about how much you learn about life in college and that with a college education you really do have a world of opportunity. Again, not to preach too much but we'd love for her to go to CSU so she can:

Study in the library,
Go to the football games & tailgate properly.
I wouldn't change anything about my college experience, including living in the crappy house on S. Whitcomb or going through 4-years of engineering courses with very few females or living with three other girls the last two years. Thank you Mom and Dad for sending me to CSU, it was the best gift ever.

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