This weekend was busy but also relaxing. I finally saw Julie & Julia Friday night with Bec and loved it. Then it was up at 5:30 AM on Saturday for our tee-times. I had one last tourney with my league and Jeremy had the 2nd Round in the Club Championship for the Men's League. Neither of us played great, I actually had 5 3-putts in a row. It was a round that was very forgettable but I still managed to eek out a bogey round. Saturday night we were treated to an excellent dinner at Kristin & Paul's house down south. It was a great spread, Paul made fresh sangria and paella, we indulged for a few hours and we now owe them an equally fabulous dinner here. Kristin is my kind of girl and I consider her far more Friend than Client. Thanks Bonaventuras!
The big new from this weekend is that Jeremy now has the big grill at his disposal. We've been without a grill since that nasty hail storm so cooking dinners this summer haven't been that elaborate since we didn't want to use the oven. The new grill is impressive and packs some serious heat. My eyes were far bigger than our stomachs but now we have ample leftovers for the week.
The big change I noticed this weekend is the flowers, the poor plants were left bare after the hail storm. Imagine my surprise when I found fresh blooms on my lilacs and clematis. Shocking! The other flowers have recovered fairly well and I am so happy to report that I actually found honey bees in the flowers, never before have we had that in our yard. I've never grown a hollyhock either but the one we planted this year is growing like crazy. I don't know how big this thing is going to get but right now it is huge. I think we'll enjoy a few more weekends on the patio now that both golf leagues are done and hope that winter holds out until late October.