It's been a few months since I've been on blogger. I had a rough start to the year and after making some changes I'm back to the old Katie. I'm healthy, genuinely happy and gained such a new perspective on how I want to live my life.
Change #1After 10-years in the private sector working 60-hour weeks and never leaving work at the office I traded it all in for a job in the public sector. I'm out of the land development game completely and after 6-weeks on the new job, I'm positive it was the best move I ever made. At my going away party an old co-worker joked that I went to the dark side...I told them I finally saw the light. I'm getting used to 40-hours a week and am still struggling with leaving work for tomorrow, but I'm getting the hang of it.
Change #2With the move to the public sector I gave up the crackberry cold turkey. I unplugged from email, the Internet and the constant distraction from life. I swear I'm more productive, attentive and calm without that life changing blackberry. I no longer aimlessly search the web while I'm waiting somewhere; instead I take in my sights and enjoy the surroundings.
Change #3I finish my Pilates Certification Seminars on Saturday. It has been intense and just like being in college but with a very physical demand. I've never focused on exercise with such intensity before. Yes I danced and golfed all growing up but these seminars put everything I've ever done physical to shame. I'm quite proud of what I've been able to do but more than anything excited to start teaching. I had to focus on Pilates and not much else to get through the mental demands. Dear Jeremy has been great and so supportive; it's only 8 more hours then it's straight student teaching. Speaking of teaching, if anyone is interested in some great private rates, shoot me an email or leave a comment.
I didn't think I was that unhappy starting the year, I thought it was pure stress. I was stunned when people who saw me after a break between the old and new career commented on how happy and peaceful I seemed. Yep - I made the right move!