This morning started like any other Saturday with some early cleaning and me asking dear Jeremy for some coffee. He's such a dear and brewed my typical half a pot of coffee. I typically don't drink that much but today I drank the entire half a pot. After sleeping horribly and fixing it with drinking some serious caffeine I realized that I needed to burn off some anxiety so I tackled our master closet.
By appearance the closet seemed to have worked, we have plenty of rod space and can store all of our clothes without falling over each other. But it did not function the way I wanted and it was largely the shoes to blame. After vacuuming, dusting and evaluating I decided that it was time to invest in some of the clear shoe storage containers to hold my collection. After showing Jeremy that it really was the only way to maximize our storage without spending an arm and a leg he gave me the go-ahead to finish off the closet.

I took a brief intermission this evening to meet my parents at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the St. Joseph's Table feast. Jeremy stayed behind to watch the beloved KU Jayhawks. (I don't really need to comment on the outcome of that game.) After enjoying the feast that reminded me so much of my Great Grandma, thanks to the polenta, gnocchi and pizzelles I headed to Target. I found an employee and made my way to the check-out with 40 of my bins in tow. Once home I dusted one more time and got busy. Here's the end product:

I'm absolutely thrilled with how this turned out and am so glad the closet is more functional. As for that half a pot of coffee, I'll be up until midnight and Jeremy will likely switch me over to decaf after this marathon day.