Jeremy and I made a quick trip to Trinidad for a golf weekend. We played Friday at the Muni course that was in immaculate condition. The greens were incredible, so much nicer than at Foothills. We had a great dinner in town that night at Rino's Italian Restaurant & Steakhouse where Jeremy had prime rib straight from the ranch. This place was great - the waiters sang all night long. If you're every in Trinidad, I highly recommend stopping in for some dinner, you have to catch them between 5 and 9, Wednesday through Sunday. I guess when you're that in demand you can set the hours as you please!

We played at Cougar Canyon Saturday morning in very windy conditions. The wind never let up and that was very exhausting. I had a few holes of greatness and a few real stinkers. All in all a good round and fun to see how that community is changing. Give it a few years and this will become a great destination. The main street has some great little shops and restaurants, stop by Danielson Dry Goods for some great stuff in their shop. Its a good thing we had a 1:30 tee time otherwise I likely was going to buy up some good stuff. (The camera battery was dead so I have no photos from our early Friday.)
1 of Jeremy's tee-shots (Notice how comfortable he is in a golf shirt & sweater?)
1 of my tee shots (I have no fewer than 5 layers including 2 pairs of pants!)
After playing and eating lunch at Bella Luna Pizzeria, we hit the road to make it back in time for a dinner. Thank goodness I had Sunday to rest before we played again this morning at Homestead at Fox Hollow. Not a great round, I'm pretty sure its not in my DNA to play 54 holes in three days.